Later this week I will travel with a dear Lebanese fellow worker into a Mus*lim country where I have never been.
Read MoreFrom 1988 to 2004 I gave my life to serving international students studying throughout the US. When we moved to Colorado to take a broader role in our Navigators Worldwide Partnership, I left a significant part of my heart with those students.
Read MoreWe’ve enjoyed a restful and refreshing holiday. Now are we are launching into another year of ministry.
Read MoreAbout this time last year, I looked at my calendar for 2016 and felt like the guy who came to the end of the buffet line realizing that somehow he had heaped two plates to overflowing.
Read MoreI love that breakthrough moment when God gives us an idea .
Read MoreI’ve often heard leaders say that the work of missions comes down to men and money. Jesus had a band of brothers and sisters who supported Him and his team.
Read MoreEarlier this summer I sat in Izmir, Turkey with the National Director of our largest work in the region.
Read MoreI stood with an Asian Navigator leader with tears of joy streaming down his cheeks.
Read MoreHave you noticed that adults often don't like to learn the same way that children learn? Many adults prefer to learn by working on a problem together.
Read MoreEvery day I’m desperate for God to do what He does. So every time you pray for us is a priceless gift to a desperate man!
Read MoreMost Navigator disciples end up pursuing our Calling in the context of traditional local churches. Some end up starting new churches in various contexts where that is what is needed for the progress of the Gospel.
Read MoreAbraham Lincoln once said, “The friends that you have, bind them to your heart with bands of steel.” That’s the kind of friendship that holds our Navigators Worldwide Partnership together.