Never Alone
Have you noticed that adults often don't like to learn the same way that children learn? Many adults prefer to learn by working on a problem together. That shapes how we’re going to engage with our Navigator regional leaders this week. Every one of them is wrestling with strategic problems in the progress of the Gospel. Often they wrestle with those problems alone, in their prayer closets, in their living rooms, on airplanes as they travel to serve their fellow workers. But this week they will each have the opportunity to wrestle together with their fellow leaders over 7 strategic problems (case studies), one from each region. This will be a fertile learning environment. This will be a fertile faith-building environment. Please pray that God will give us breakthrough solutions, authored by His Spirit. (Romans 15:5-6)
Prayer Update: As I flew to Ethiopia a week or so ago, I wondered how God was going to bring things together. It was not clear to me. It always amazes me when Navigator leaders from such different contexts like Nigeria, Chicago, Manila, Senegal, Ethiopia, Canada and Colorado come together and walk into oneness of heart and mind regarding our path forward. But that’s what happened. By halfway through our 3 days together we were looking at one another and marveling, rejoicing over the changes God is growing in Navigators all over the world, and over the clarity He is giving us regarding our next steps. Thanks for praying. Here’s a link to a photo of our group: Poverty Corruption and Injustice Task Force. (God also blessed me by giving me precious fellow with our former missions’ pastor who is now a missionary there with his wife and adult son, and with an Ethiopian physician who lived with us as an international student. I love seeing some of “the rest of the story” of what God is doing in and through dear friends.)