Here are a few ministry tools that I've created, or used over the years again and again. I've tested and refined them. Others have found them to be helpful. So I share them with you and encourage you to share them with others.
A Daily Examen
This ancient discipline is designed for busy people, and helps me to run with a cool engine.
The Simplicity of Saints
This is a beautiful old profile, which I aspire to be, as a follower of Christ.
I Forgive You. Will You Forgive Me?
Unresolved conflict is a plague on the people of God. Over the years I've returned to this again and again to help myself, and others, to resolve conflicts.
A Prayer of Surrender
When you are ready, sincerely praying this potent prayer will transform your life.
The Navigators Core, Calling, and Vision
This is what we Navigators call our Core: that which we return to again and again to remind ourselves who we are and what we aspire to be.
My Prayer With Scriptures
This is a spiritual warfare prayer that I’ve been praying for years. Praying through this is like getting a spiritual alignment for me.
Praying as a Spiritual Leader
Tool for powerful leadership prayer
Divine Hours
The Divine Hours were created by St. Benedict for ordinary people who want a lifestyle of following Christ throughout the day every day.
Hurting with God
A presentation on learning to lament.
Don’t Waste the Pain Study
A summary of David’s Don’t Waste the Pain message.
Toss Your Do-List
An article David wrote for the Worldwide Newsletter in April 2018 on replacing your Do-List with Prayer
40 Day Prayer Journey
A guided journey of seeking God and praying for the future.
Time Management in Life & Work
Biblical principles on managing your time
Strongholds in Scripture
Explore strongholds as they appear in scripture, a study by David.
Video Resources
Interview with David Lyons with LDI