Keep Asking

This is a week when my faith gets stretched every year, waiting for God to close our funding gap.  I’m feeling it a bit more this year as the gap is larger, and the responses seem to be a bit later.  As I write this, $9K of the $66K needed has come in.  Jehovah Jireh, the Great Provider, we call on You to once again meet our needs according to Your riches in glory. 



P.S. About 30 neighbors came to our annual neighborhood Christmas dessert.  There were lots of new faces.  We’ve prayed for more followers of Christ to join us in being Christ’s faithful presence here, and we met several answers to that prayer.  One family came who’ve been here but invisible for 17 years.  They came this year because they got into a conflict with one of our new Christ-carrying neighbors who handled the conflict so beautifully that it was transformed into a beautiful witness.  Blessed are the peacemakers!