
One of our primary jobs as leaders is helping good people who are doing good things to get along with one another.  Navigator leaders and missionaries (including me!) have strong opinions and strong wills, so I often say that when they agree you know that there must be a God in heaven.  Recently our team has become concerned about disunity that could split a significant part of our work.  The same day this disunity came to my attention Renée shared a podcast with me on leading an unoffendable life.  Profound and timely!  Please join us in praying, “You Who gave us the ministry of reconciliation, we call on You to reconcile these factions.”  (Matthew 18:18-20; 2 Corinthians 5:18)



P.S. I am pleased to report that now nearly $30K has come into toward the $66K that we need to close the gap for our 2023 funding.  Please keep asking with us that God will close that gap.