Yearning to Connect

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We had planned to visit some of our ministry partners a year ago but waited until this summer.  These next 3 weeks, we’ll be visiting churches and friends who partner with us in funding & prayer.  We love doing this because of the love we share.  It’s like Paul said in 2 Cor. 9:10-15…  God supplies seed for the sower, there is an increased harvest, thanksgiving, and yearning to connect.  Let’s pray!  Lord of the Harvest, please satisfy the yearning of these partners to connect with one another deeply, and to encourage one another.  (Romans 1:11-12)

P.S. Thanks for praying for our neighborhood.  In these last two weeks two believing neighbors have expressed strong interest in connecting more deeply with us.  That’s very encouraging because we need local believers to partner with us in blessing our neighborhood.  But the challenges of being a witness in our neighborhood are tiny compared to our Middle Eastern fellow workers.  This last week one of our fellow workers contacted us in distress because their house is overflowing with refugees from violent persecution in nearby towns.  Pray as you read the news!

P.P.S. You may enjoy reading this article regarding how Navigators in Latin America are helping prisoners to get their lives back:  A Fourth Option