The Other Great Commission

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You remember the Great Commission?  No, not that one.  The first one: “Be fruitful and multiply.” (Genesis 1:28).  God has blessed us with 7 physical children, and now 13 physical grandchildren, and many more spiritual descendants.  We are pleased with how God is fulfilling His purposes in each of our physical children: here in Colorado Springs, in Dallas, in Japan and in the Middle East.  We are heirs of Abraham and of God’s promises to Abraham, so today please pray with us for our children.  God of Abraham, please continue to pour out Your blessing on each of David and Renée’s children and grandchildren.  (Genesis 12:1-3)

P.S. Thank you for praying for our time with ministry partners over the last several weeks.  It was a rich time of fellowship and mutual encouragement.  God particularly blessed the Encountering Jesus Together messages that I shared at 3 different churches.  In 2 services, there was a strong move of God’s Spirit and about 1/3 of the congregation responded an invitation to commit to action. 

MinistryDavid LyonsTravel, EJT, Family