Knitting Hearts

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Leaders get lonely. Leaders need trusted friends. The Speed of Trust by Steven Covey Jr. argues that trust is the secret sauce of collaborative success. We’ve learned that it is vital to help the emerging leaders of our Navigators Worldwide Partnership to know and trust one another. That’s why we’re bringing them together for a virtual week together next week. Zoom, Zoom! We are a very diverse group. Diversity is exciting and attractive, but it’s also irritating and confusing. So, we pray: Head of the Body, we call on You to knit the hearts of these leaders together in love.

P.S. Thank you for praying for our team as we gathered via Zoom for 9 evenings at the end of April. We are encouraged by steadfast progress in strengthening Navigators in living and discipling together among the lost in each region we discussed. But we are a bit puzzled over what to do next in our part in leading Navigators into deepening responses to poverty, corruption and injustice. Please join us in continuing to pray for wisdom from above. Please also join worshippers from 50 countries in singing over our badly broken world: Amazing Grace.