Go Long

Go Long Huddle.jpg

What does a football player do when he’s told to go long for the big play?   He takes a deep breath before running hard and long.   Our team is taking a deep breath together as we have our quarterly huddle this week and next, preparing to “go long” on several crucial issues.  Among them are: 

  1. Navigator disciple-makers tend to be independent and scatter from likeminded disciple-makers, and we tend to end up isolated from the lost.  We’re pushing deeper into leading Navigators to learn to come together to live and disciple among the lost where they live, work, and play. 

  2. After 10+ years of learning and leading our people to respond to poverty, corruption and injustice issues in our various contexts, we’ve only begun to scratch the surface of what God has in mind. 

Author of Our Faith, please strengthen David’s team with bold faith and steadfast patience so that they may inherit what You have promised.  (Hebrews 6:12)

P.S. I’ve enjoyed particularly fruitful times with two indigenous leaders this week.  One African leader got up from his sickbed to meet with me because he did not want to miss our time together.  Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to an Arab leader share how he had to decide whether to call the police on a radical fundamentalist who barged into his home and began screaming at him.  Instead he stood up, walked over to this screaming man and wrapped his arms around him as the man melted into sobbing.  He was just desperate for help and had come straight from the mosque where they had chased him away.  “As for the saints who are in the earth, they are the majestic ones in whom is all my delight.”  (Psalm 16:2)