Meanwhile in Arabia

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Over the years you’ve often heard us speak of the faith adventures of our daughter Nicole Lorelei and husband Herb.  They are still living with us preparing to head out to a new missionary assignment in Japan.  But they can’t go until the border opens.  In the meantime, they are like tethered stallions pawing the earth.  However, they are learning to lean into what God is doing as they wait: shaping them, preparing their marriage and three boys, forging their team, and plowing their hearts.  It reminds me of Paul’s mysterious extended time in Arabia where God prepared him for his greatest contribution.  Please join me in praying Philippians 1:9-10 for them: “Sovereign Lord, I pray that [the Barbutti’s] love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that [they] may approve [discern] the things that are excellent.”

P.S. Our time last week with our Regional Directors was outstanding, the best I remember even though it all took place by Zoom.  Thank you for praying!

P.P.S. If you would like to get to get to know Herb and Nicole Lorelei better, or consider joining their prayer and / or financial support team, please let me know.  We will be hosting some small Zoom gatherings with them in the coming weeks.  Their life and ministry are inspiring.  (OK, I’m biased.  But many others seem to agree!).