You Have Chosen


Leader selections and transitions bring great opportunity and great challenge.  I serve on the board of a sister organization that we believe is critical to our Navigator calling in certain sensitive countries, and they are seeking a new CEO.  They’ve been seeking for more than a year, and it’s becoming clear that only God can provide the leader that is needed.  I’m meeting with the current leaders and board this weekend.  This is just one of many things that we’ll discuss, but please pray that God will do for us what He did for the 12 when they prayed, “Show us which one of these… You have chosen.”  (Acts 1:24). 
Prayer update:  Graham’s D-Group went great Sunday night.  Renee and I both marveled at the depth of vulnerability and wisdom that was shared.  This week they are planning how to reach out to others together.  I have no greater joy….