Parental Units

For years I’ve been suggesting to youth pastors that many of the parents of their youth could be their best youth workers.  Parents know and love their kids more than anyone else could.  Finally, someone is doing it!  Our youth pastor (with no prompting from me) has redesigned the whole youth program of our church to focus on equipping parents to love and disciple their teens.  I love it!  So, Renee and I are partnering with another “parental unit” (as our kids have often called us) to help to lead a D-Group (Discipleship Group) for Graham and his friends.  Please pray that our D-group will become a “friend unit” that will transform their high school.  (Matthew 5:16)
Prayer Update:   Although our visits with many who support our work were very encouraging, please keep praying that God will multiply the seed of the sowers who help to fund our work.  We’ve had a setback in that our largest supporting church is cutting their staff salaries and missionary support by 30%, one of our foundational donors died, and another lost his job. 

FamilyRen MoirFamily, Funding