From Above: Part A

I’m told that wisdom is my primary spiritual gift, but I also find that it is my most desperate need.  I think that is because true spiritual gifts are supernatural, requiring God to do what only He can do through us.  As our International Executive Team meets this November we don’t merely want to follow our instincts as we plan follow through from our recent International Forum, and we don’t want to merely fall back on our own thoughts as we digest the annual reviews from our 115 country leaders.   Please pray The Father will fill us with wisdom from above as we discern what He is doing and how He wants us to join Him.  (John 5:19-20)
Prayer Update:  As you can imagine, there were intense discussions in the board meeting of our sister organization seeking a new CEO, but at just the right moment God gave us a fresh path forward for seeking the right person.  It was one of those moments where frustration becomes like a birth canal for what God has in mind.  Now, may God bless that fresh path forward and provide His choice for the role!

MinistryRen MoirMeetings, IET