Except by...

Apparently, according to Matthew 17:21, there are some things that generally don’t happen except by serious prayer and fasting.  Several members of my family have become quite serious about the spiritual discipline of fasting.  This has been a strong pattern among the people of God down through the ages. 
Last fall our team studied miraculous movements of the Gospel in the Scriptures.  We noticed that miraculous movements often begin with fasting and prayer.  So, as our team met last month we invested one of our five days together doing just that.  And this Saturday Navigators all over the world will spend the day in fasting and prayer. 
You probably already have plans for tomorrow, but please pray for those of us who will be fasting and praying through the day.  It’s hard work!  And pray that God will birth and nourish movements of the Gospel through Navigator disciples and laborers all over the world.  (Colossians 1:6)
Prayer update:   Last month I asked you to pray for a series of Navigator leader transitions throughout the world.  Since then a new National Director was selected for one our key countries.  There had been a lack of clarity coming into their Selection Council, so we were praying earnestly.  God moved strongly, speaking very clearly to His people, and raised up a noble younger leader to lead the work forward.  Tears of joy were flowing. Please pray that God’s choice will continue be confirmed in the hearts and minds of all involved in this and other leader transitions we are facilitating.  Thanks for praying!