Lifting Heads


There are hard places in the harvest.  There are places where hard ground is being plowed.  There are places where the ground is fertile but dangerous, where Gospel workers risk their lives every day. 
Tomorrow Renee and I will fly out to spend a couple of weeks with leaders of Navigator movements in the Middle East and North Africa.  We feel unworthy and inadequate.  But somehow God seems to use us there.  Please pray that God will use us to lift the heads of His servants, to genuinely and deeply en-COURAGE them.  (Psalm 3:3)
Please also pray against a wildfire surrounding one of our most successful missional enterprises.  They are in a remote and wild area without professional firefighters.  Last night the finger of God preserved them. (their words)  But the fire is threatening to come back.  They are making disciples, making money and making a difference in the villages that surround them.  Pray that God will preserve and bless their work.