The Last Mile

These last couple of years I’ve enjoyed helping a ministry that is providing crucial practical support to some of the most fruitful disciple-making movements in the world today.  They are focused on helping these movements to spread into “the last mile” of the Great Commission, which is the most difficult mile.  This weekend I’ll be working with some of the key leaders of that ministry who are gathering for a retreat in our home.  Please pray with us: Lord of the Harvest, please give these leaders wisdom from above for helping to traverse that last mile of fulfilling the Great Commission.  (2 Timothy 4:5-7) 



P.S. The Lord blessed our neighborhood BBQ with good weather and partricipation from most of the usual suspects plus several new people.  Now there’s a keen interest in a fall soup night.  All of this is cascading into more opportunities to make Christ known.  We’re hearing of spiritual breakthroughs in two Mormon families in the neighbhorhood, and Renée’s Melbourne Momma’s Bible Study group is resuming and growing.  Thanks for praying!

MinistryDavid Lyonsprayer