
Some say that Jesus’ disciples were really His apprentices.  I like that idea and am giving more and more to raising apprentices of Jesus to lead what I’ve led up until now.  So, this week we fly to Rwanda to help lead a consultation with 30 Navigators who are passionate about responding to poverty, corruption, and injustice by discipling for blessing, righteousness, and justice.  2/3 of these are next generation leaders whom we believe will lead the next chapter of this important movement among Navigators.  Spirit of the Lord, please pour Yourself out on this rising generation to bring good news to the poor and to bind up the brokenhearted.  (Isaiah 61).



 P.S. Our staycation was fruitful, but not as restful as I’d hoped.  Staying home was great, in view of our current travel pace.  But I made the mistake of finally getting my shingles vaccination the first day, which made the next few days kind of miserable.   In spite of that, I enjoyed building a pergola on our deck, and Renée and I drove up to Loveland to enjoy a dinner theater overnight.  Delightful!  Since then I enjoyed a very pleasant visit with my sister in Ohio, and I’ve been enjoying breaking up my workdays with midday walks.  That’s just the beginning of different rhythms that I’m feeling led toward.  Thanks for praying.