Bringing Her Best


I (David) love how God is using Renée to help leaders and missionaries to reach the goals that God is putting on their hearts.  I’ve never seen her more alive and fulfilled than when she’s coaching.  One of the main things that she has been doing during this season has been taking classes to become re-certified by the International Coaching Federation and strengthen the skills that she was created to use.  Please pray: “Great Shepherd, please fully equip Renée for the good works that You have prepared for her to accomplish in this season of her life.”  (Ephesians 2:10 & Hebrews 13:20-21)

P.S. I’m very encouraged with the outcomes of our 2 weeks of IET meetings.  I felt a fair amount of anxiety going into several sessions because of the sensitive and intense nature of the issues being addressed.  In each of those sessions the Lord gave us good harmony and significant progress!