Join Me?

Renée and I are learning new dimensions of the discipline of fasting.  Perhaps you will join me in an experiment.  We usually fast on Sundays to say no to our selfish desires and to declare our hunger for God.  We are especially earnest about this during this grievous time in the world.  But I’m also feeling called to fast for some ministry breakthroughs.  The Encountering Jesus Together tool that we are creating is intended to help to ignite and fuel Disciple Making Movements (DMM’s), and such movements are always preceded by extraordinary fasting & prayer. 

So, I feel led to extra fasting & prayer when we are seeking breakthroughs in the creative process.  For example, next Friday I plan to give half a day to digesting what we’re learning from interviewing 100-200 twenty-somethings about what’s holding them back from exploring and following Jesus.  So, I plan to fast that day, breaking my fast at supper.  If you are interested in joining me in special prayer and fasting at such junctures, please let me know and I’ll keep you informed.  (I’m guessing such junctures will come once every month or two.  Of course, you would be free to pass on any specific invitation.)

P.S. I’m grateful for the extra grace that God gave me throughout our IET meetings.  Doing multiple long Zoom meetings daily for two weeks was tiring.  I was exasperated a couple of times.  But God gave clear and encouraging breakthroughs each time, and I finished strong. 
