In My Weakness

His Strength.png

Do you ever find yourself spent, then realize that you have a long way to go?  I’m feeling that way right now as we begin two weeks of multiple daily meetings with our International Executive Team.  Frankly, I’m feeling out of gas before we begin.  Then I think of how often His strength has risen up in my weakness.  We need His wisdom for leading through unfamiliar paths in developing leaders, sending missionaries, and cultivating fruitful local ministry communities.  Please pray: “Mighty God, please fill David and his fellow leaders with Your strength in their weakness, and Your wisdom for the challenges that they face.”  2 Corinthians 12:9

P.S. I am delighted to tell you that $48K in gifts have already flowed into our Compassion Fund, and my faith is stretched as I think of the $75K in requests for assistance that we’ve already received.  If you feel led to help Navigators in Gospel frontier situations to provide food and basic needs for those they are serving, you can still click this link.