Two Births

Remi Newborn.jpg

Whew!  That was exhausting.  After 24 hours of labor, then a sudden C-Section, our 12th grandchild, Remembrance (Remi), was born on Sunday in in the Middle East.  Our family members across the world labored in prayer with Lauren moment by moment via What’s App.  We all collapsed into bed that night as if we ourselves had given birth.  Then, due to the COVID-19 crisis, the hospital sent them home after 1 day.  Please pray with us, “Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing Remi out of the womb safely.  Now, please blanket her and her mom with supernatural enabling grace, peace and healing from the surgery.” 

(In a few days I’ll tell you about the other birth that’s in process.  Watch for it!)

P.S. Our strongholds meeting with those two Navigator leaders was poignant and powerful.  They are energized, determined and solemn in their resolve.  May God protect and enable them!  Now our Fire Team returns to our primary work of tearing down those strongholds in prayer.