

Renée and I have been busy Zooming hours a day.  (Yes, now Zoom is a verb.)  So much for (virtual) social distancing!   We’ve been praying with our leaders around the world, coaching them and leading change in various ways.  But these last couple of weeks our Fire Team has been especially focused on tearing down strongholds that the enemy has built in our midst, powerful outposts of enemy influence.  You can see what I mean at this link: Strongholds in the Scriptures.  Later this week we’ll be meeting with two key Navigator leaders who have asked us us to help equip them to lead into tearing down strongholds.  Please pray with me, “Lord of Hosts, please equip Navigators leaders to use their divinely powerful weapons to tear down strongholds that the enemy has built among His people.”  (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). 

P.S. Number 12 is now 5 days overdue.  Keep praying for Lauren & Hudson!