Aaron or Hur?

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How are your spiritual leaders doing?  I’m guessing that they are tired like Moses was in Exodus 17 as he interceded for his people from a distance.  Try holding up your hands for 5 minutes, much less throughout an extended battle!  But God sent Aaron and Hur to support Moses’ tired arms.  Aaron was well known.  Hur was relatively unknown.  But both were Moses’ friends who partnered with him in prayer.  Are you more like Aaron or Hur?  Renée and I are spending more time than ever interceding for our fellow workers.  Our team has set aside this week to seek God’s face and intercede for those we serve.  Please pray with us, “Lord, please strengthen the hands of our local, national, regional and international spiritual leaders.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!” 

P.S. We are rejoicing that Hudson & Remi have tested Covid-19 free, and that they and Lauren are symptom free!  The hospital was so surprised that they doubted the results, but we are taking this as God’s answer to our prayers.  Please let me know if you would like to be connected directly with Hudson & Lauren to continue praying for them and their ministry.