
Labor Pains.jpg

That “other birth” that I mentioned earlier this week is the birth of our Encountering Jesus Together project.   This is longer and harder than I anticipated.  It’s no match for Lauren’s 40 hours of labor followed by a C-section, but it is a pretty intense labor of love!  We’re now preparing for several rounds of interviews with both disciple-makers and seekers who are the kinds of people whom we hope will use this tool.  Please pray with us: “May You give each member of the Launch Team perseverance and encouragement in their work each day, and grant them to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus as they discern what to say and how to say it in their interviews.”  (John 12:49)

P.S. Yesterday we had quite a scare when Lauren & Hudson found Remi unresponsive but still breathing.  After a worldwide flurry of intense prayer, an hour or so later in the ER she finally revived and started crying.  Now she’s nursing and gaining weight again.  We’re still waiting for results of Covid-19 tests to verify whether anyone other than Lauren has the Covid-19 virus.  In the meantime, we’re earnestly praying that they all stay symptom free.  Thank you for praying with us!