

This is an exciting time in our Encountering Jesus Together project. Our months of research into the felt needs of twentysomethings is now being translated into solutions that we believe will lead many into encountering Jesus together.  Our aim is to create a tool that will help to ignite and fuel flourishing disciple making movements.  There are over 1000 such movements in the world today, but almost none of them are in the west. A faith tech company is now considering taking on creating a Minimum Viable Product for us in their Innovation Sprint in November.  From the beginning this project has felt like yet another fulfillment of the foundational promise of our ministry: Isaiah 54:1-3, which is a call to stretch out and prepare for a harvest that we don’t yet see.  Lord of the harvest, we call on you to provide all of the technical resources needed to prepare this tool for a rich harvest.

P.S. I have nothing new to report regarding outreach in our neighborhood except that’s Renée will be prayer walking alone for a few weeks. I was playing with our grandsons on the side of the steep hill when I took a tumble down the hill that broke my toe and dislocated my finger.  (Those of you who are fans of the cult classic movie Princess Bride will be disappointed that I missed the opportunity to cry out “As you wish” as I tumbled down the hill.)