The Ends of the Earth

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What happens when the Holy Spirit comes on His people?  In Acts 1:8 they received power that exploded out to the ends of the earth.  This week we’ll huddle with our team and Regional Directors to plan our next steps toward igniting in our Worldwide Partnership fresh zeal for the ends of the earth and more nimble collaboration to get there.  Please pray for a fresh outpouring of Acts 1:8 power and much fruit throughout our Worldwide Partnership.

Prayer Update -   I am very thankful for how God blessed our teaching on how much God cares about our profession / work, and about intercessory worship.  It was hard to leave after three days together with these precious Middle Eastern Gospel workers.  Even after we got in the car, various ones kept coming to open the door and thank us.  One said to Renee, “What did you do?  Heaven opened up for us!”  Thank you for praying.  It seems like we did experience a bit of “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” 

MinistryDavid LyonsMeetings, MENA