God Cares About Your Work

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Did you know that only a few of the heroes of our faith made their living from gift income?  Did you realize that most of them were commended primarily for how they demonstrated faith in their marketplace and professional work?  Check it out in Hebrews 11!  Beginning Thursday, Renee and I will invest a week with dozens of Gospel workers who are such heroes in our largest work in the Middle East.  Please pray for us as we teach them how much God cares about their professions, and about intercessory worship.  (Ephesians 2:10 and John 15:7-8).

P.S.  Renee and I have enjoyed a wonderful vacation, overflowing with blessing.  Now we are awaiting our flight to the Middle East.  I’ve heard good things about the Together Among gathering there, and plan to find out more about it in the weeks to come.