Coming Alongside


I now travel into another African country where our country leader has invited me to come alongside him and his team to facilitate their strategic planning for the future of our work there.  This country leader is a M*slim Background Believer, and one of the promising young leaders in our Worldwide Partnership.  I’ve never been to his country before, but I’ve been with him several times in other contexts.  Pray that I will be like Barnabas, who came alongside the believers in Antioch and, “saw the grace of God, rejoiced and began to encourage them.”  (Acts 11:23). 
Prayer Update:   At the end of our Africa Enterprise Forum one of the Africans stood and exclaimed, “It’s finally gone!”  He was referring to the sacred-secular divide that used to make him feel like, as a businessman, he was on the margins of the Navigator ministry here.  I am deeply impressed with the courage and vision of these African Navigator Missional Enterprise Leaders as they take the lead in addressing corruption and dysfunction in their countries, and seek to create wealth for God’s purposes here.