From Heartbreak to Heaven

The other night I walked out of my office and Renee took one look at my face and said: What happened to you?  What had happened was that I had watched a video that moved me deeply: From Heartbreak to Heaven.   It took me back to the brokenness and beauty that I experienced with our family in the slums of Fortaleza Brazil.  But it showed it to me through the eyes of those who LIVE there. 
I encourage you to take a few minutes to walk into another world, to allow your heart to be broken and to allow your heart to be amazed at what God is doing.  The stories that moved me most begin about 5 minutes into the video.  I know most of the people in the film.  You won’t regret the time you invest in watching this:
Prayer update:   This video does close with a brief financial appeal from the filmmaker, who wants to build these stories into a full-length feature film.  I’ve been corresponding with him, like his plan, and hope that some of our friends do help him and thus help Iris Fortaleza.  By the way, please continue to pray for folks who are considering their response to our year-end appeal.  In spite of some amazingly generous gifts, we’re only a little over 1Ž2 way to receiving the extra $25K that we need to cover the balance of our expenses for the fiscal year.