Pit Crew

Recently our friend Michelle surprised us by bringing her new boyfriend to meet us at church. He works as a member of the pit crew for an auto racing team.  It was fun to hear about his work, and what it takes to win a race. 


It takes a team of 20 people to enable that car to win a race.  Winning teams work together in harmony and synergy, like a well-oiled machine. 

It takes a leadership team of more than 200 to enable thousands of Navigator disciples and workers in over 100 countries to win their race. Nevertheless, our Navigators Worldwide Partnership is not a machine.  Rather, we are members of one another in a living organism, working together to bring more and more people into God’s family and into maturity in Christ.  That takes godly leaders bringing focus, alignment and energy to how we are moving the Gospel together. 

Please pray for our Navigators leadership crew during the first two weeks of December when about 25 of our leaders will come together to prepare for the next lap of our race.  (Ephesians 4:11-16)

Prayer update:  Our year-end financial appeal letter is in the mail.  We received one gift yesterday even before we asked!  That’s a good sign.