
We are in the process of mobilizing 30-50 strategic “champions” of the Together app. Remember, is a tool that helps to make disciplemaking easy for ordinary people. At this point, we have about 900 users who have used the app about 25,000 times.  But “Champions” are simply people who decide to experience Together themselves a few times, join us on Zoom for 30 minutes once a month so that we can pray with them, and (if they like the experience) are willing to ask others to do the same.  It’s that simple. You could be one of our champions if you want. But today I’m just asking you to pray.  Please pray: Jesus, please mobilize scores of champions to ignite new disciplemaking movements.  



P.S. I am super-encouraged with the hand-off of leadership of those initiatives that I mentioned last time. After that we flew down to Indonesia and enjoyed a faith-filled week with our Regional Directors from around the world.  Thanks for praying!

P.P.S. Please also pray for Luke, my main partner in creating and launching the Together app. Earlier this week he found the body of his lifelong friend who had committed suicide. So traumatic. Please pray that God will heal Luke’s hurting heart.