Relieve Me

I will never forget hearing our Arab teammate Amir cry out as we and his team laid hands on him and and prayed with him a few weeks ago, “God, please either heal me or take me home.  Either way, relieve me of the pain in my body from this cancer.”   In spite of his pain, the following day he pressed forward to lead the leaders of his missional enterprise group in a two day retreat.  (He and his team sponsor and coach dozens of fruitful missional enterprise leaders in his country.)   I don’t think I’ve ever seen such resilience as I saw that weekend.  Then yesterday Amir left his body and pain behind.  But he also left behind his wife and two boys.  Their finances have been severely drained in fighting Amir’s cancer, in spite of his local, regional and international Navigator family helping very generously.  So, please pray with us: Good Shepherd, please comfort Amir’s wife and children, and meet their needs according to Your riches in Christ



P.S. If you feel led to contribute something to help Amir’s family, you can do so by clicking on this link then typing in this account number: 23840387.  

 P.P.S. Renée and I enjoyed fruitful days with the Navigator students at Snow Mountain Ranch.  We poured out our hearts.  They asked deep questions.  Tears flowed at times, as well as laughter.  Thanks for praying.