Pass It On

We’ve returned to the MENA region to serve our Regional Leadership Team of nationals who lead the work here (don’t worry, we’re in a safe place).  There was no regional team of nationals when we started, and now the team that God raised is beginning to pivot to raise up the next generation of nationals to take ownership of our calling, values, and vision, and they are sending out their own missionaries!  This is what Navigators are called to do.  God of grace, strengthen our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters to entrust what they’ve received to the next generation and nationals who will lead and take the Gospel to new places in the region.  (2 Timothy 2:1-2)



 P.S. Our week with the Eurasia team was both challenging and inspiring.  I was not surprised by the challenges, but I was surprised by the fruitfulness of our works there.  Every country is in the pioneering stage, and several are seeing an increase in new believers and nationals growing to take the lead.  Thanks for praying.  It seems like we were able to encourage them and strengthen their hands