The Team You Gave

This Thursday we begin a 1-month trip by visiting our son Hudson and his family where they serve in the Middle East.  They are seeking to gather a team of nationals and expats to join them in their vision for starting disciple-making movements among refugees there.  This is a crucial juncture, like the one that led Jesus to spend the night in prayer before God gave him His team.  Later, Jesus spoke of them in John 17:6 as “the men whom You gave to Me.”  Lord of The Harvest, please give to Hudson and Lauren the men and women whom You intend to team with them.  



P.S. My healing continues to progress each week.  This trip will stretch my stamina, the scar tissue in my lip is still an issue, and we have quite a way to go on stabilizing my teeth.  But people keep telling me that I look amazing!  (Which is surprising since before the accident no one ever told me that I look amazing…).