Reunion and Entrusting

This is a big week for us, gathering our workers from across MENA to encourage them and to commission our new Regional Director for MENA.  

Every 4 years we gather 1-200 of our fellow-workers from across MENA for a family gathering, a sweet reunion of fellow soldiers who pray for one another and love one another dearly.  It is truly a spiritual family reunion.  It was postponed by Covid to 6 years since our last gathering, but now is finally coming together this week.  “Our Father in Heaven, please pour out Your Spirit afresh as these fierce and fun fellow workers gather in Your name for encouragement and inspiration.  (Romans 1:11-12) 

At 6’ 7” our new MENA Regional Director is a physically big Arab stepping into the spiritually big shoes of his predecessor.  I love this humble man and look forward to working closely with him as his servant and supervisor.  Please pray with me, “Good Shepherd, I call on you to feed this new regional director from Your Word.  Please lead Him by Your Spirit to give possession of Your promises to those He leads.”  (Joshua 1) 

P.S. It’s a miracle!  God answered our prayers and quickly provided the interim project manager that we needed to launch field testing of our Together app this week.  He also blessed our gathering of NCM leaders.  Our interaction was intense, but God gave us progress and we’re waiting on Him to show us what’s next.