Next Door

Next Door.png

The Holy Spirit seems to be on the move in our neighborhood.  Last week I was frustrated as I was prayer walking and said, “Lord, You are going to have to do something.”  That night a neighbor flagged down Renée and they talked for an hour standing on the sidewalk.  Eventually she said, “I grew up as an atheist, but I’ve seen too much to believe that there is no God.  In fact, I believe that He sent me to this neighborhood so that I could get to know the Light through you and David.”  Please pray with us for our neighborhood and yours, Lord of the local harvest, please continue to open doors for the Word, and enable us to make the most of every opportunity when You do so.  (Colossians 4:2-6)

P.S. Here’s a short video that we recently made with my iPhone about what God is doing in our neighborhood:  Navigators Neighboring.  You may also be interested in listening to this Encountering Jesus Together message that received such a response last month: EJT Message.  If you don’t have time to listen, here’s a link to the notes: EJT Message Notes.  Also, Renée and I feel like our Regional Director meetings last week were the most fruitful that we can remember.  Thanks for praying!