

Last June we had to postpone gathering Navigator leaders whom we believe will become future international leaders of our Worldwide Partnership.  We had hoped to try again this June.  Now that is looking unlikely.  But, in the meantime, we are using Zoom calls to begin weaving them into a leader community.   This is a sample of the challenges we are facing as we equip leaders for movements of the Gospel across our Navigators Worldwide Partnership.  We’ll be meeting February 8 to discern our next steps.  Please pray with us: Head of the Body, please enable these leaders to encourage one another… each by the other’s faith.  (Romans 1:12)

P.S. Renée’s coaching is flourishing.  Thanks for praying.  Recently she’s been coaching someone who is not in Christ but is open to Christ coaching her through Renée.  Recently a mutual friend shared how the woman Renée is coaching was telling her how her life is being transformed through her times with Renée.  Clearly, Holy Spirit is at work!