

Our Encountering Jesus Together Launch Team has carefully researched the struggles that twentysomethings are feeling.  From that research, we have designed an app and experience that we believe will help lead them into being transformed together.  This week our team began interviewing those same twentysomethings and others to discuss, “How does this solution look to you?”  Then we will make adjustments and create the initial app for field testing!  Creator God, You have promised wisdom to those who ask, so please guide this team into creating something that will truly help to ignite and fuel disciplemaking movements!  (James 1:5)

P.S. The road to language acquisition will be long for our missionary kids and grandkids.  Please continue to pray for that.  And please pray for Nicole Lorelei and her family as they are facing persistent resistance regarding renting to gaijin or outsiders, and the boys start school this week.