Gordian Knot

Image: ©Sangsun Bae

Image: ©Sangsun Bae

Movements of the Gospel into the major religions often require new forms of faith communities to help new believers to flourish into spiritual generations while they remain among their families and relational networks.  This can seem like a perplexing Gordian Knot.  So, this week one of my colleagues (who happens to be from a Buddhist background) will be coming alongside 50-60 leaders for our largest work in the Middle East to help them wrestle with this crucial strategic issue in their context.  Please pray that God will fill them with the knowledge of His will with all spiritual wisdom and understanding.  (Colossians 1:9)

 Prayer Update:  Three of our children (and their families) successfully moved in the last two weeks, and another moves this coming week.  Thanks for praying Psalm 32:8 for them.  They and their children all still need clear guidance and provision from the Lord as they settle into new homes, neighborhoods, ministry opportunities, and jobs.