Supply, Multiply, Overflow

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After 35 years of making our living by the Gospel, I still never cease to be amazed at how God provides for us through our Ministry Partners.  Today we leave for a couple of weeks visiting some of these dear friends (and family) back east.  Please pray for our partners like Paul prayed for his, that He who supplies seed for the sower and bread for food, will supply and multiply their seed for sowing and increase the harvest of their righteousness…fully supplying our needs and overflowing through many thanksgivings to God.  (2 Corinthians 9:10-12)

 Prayer Update: I love our team.  I love how God is shaping our leadership through the Scriptures.  We’ve been studying how God grew bold faith in and through Abraham, Moses, David, Daniel, Jesus and Paul.  Then last week we spent the first 90 minutes of each day sharing what God has been teaching us.  Rich!  Some days felt especially long and intense.  But in the end, we finished early and I even felt refreshed.  Now that’s a miracle.  Thanks for praying!