Equipping & Commending

Paul and his team worked hard at appointing and equipping leaders to sustain movements of the Gospel, and so do we.  Therefore, at the end of May, we’ll be providing an orientation and training for several dozen new National Directors for Navigator ministries all over the world.  We’ll be gathering in a country in the Middle East that allows visa access from these many nations.  Please pray that these new ministry leaders will experience what happened in 2 Timothy 3:16 and Acts 14:23: “All Scripture is breathed by God… so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work… Having prayed with fasting, [Paul and his team] commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.” 

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Prayer Update:  Wow.  Thank you for praying!  We are deeply encouraged with what we saw God do with the couples we visited over the last week.  God gave us deep connection across cultural and linguistic barriers.  At key points the Lord opened profound dialog over issues that are pivotal to them flourishing in our calling.  It was not hard to encourage them because we are so thrilled with what we see God doing in and through them.  Both indicated that no one else is visiting and encouraging them the same ways that He enabled us to do.