A Noble Work


Paul invested a lot of his later years in cultivating spiritual shepherds, elders and overseers to sustain the movements of the Gospel that he had planted.  He called overseeing “a noble work” (1 Timothy 3:1).  Every 3-4 years we convene an International Board Chair Consultation for indigenous business leaders who serve as noble overseers for 20-30 of our most mature country ministries around the world.  They serve at their own expense, partnering with our indigenous field leaders to sustain and provide direction for movements of the Gospel.  Please pray that as we gather these next few days the Great Shepherd of the Sheep will equip these men and women for the work to which they are called.  (Hebrews 13:20-21)

 Prayer Update:  We experienced progress in our “logs out” meeting with pioneering leaders.  Although I had hoped for deeper progress, I am hopeful about the future of these working relationships.  Also, my health has improved, although the dregs of my sickness are lingering.  I need more rest after 6 weeks of travel immediately followed by 2 weeks of all-day meetings.  Thankfully, things slow down for me in another week.