

The Holy Spirit is stirring and strengthening desire among our Navigator leaders around the world to strive together for the progress of the Gospel into hard places.  The enemy opposes this.  You know how strong-willed and stubborn leaders and missionaries can be!   Please pray for us through this summer as we take steps to build more nimble and effective collaboration in global missions, in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the Gospel. (Philippians 1:27)
Two answers to prayer:

  1. Within a few days of asking you to pray for us as we seek to lead Navigator laborers to live and disciple together among the lost in their local contexts, I received a deep and passionate encouragement from one of my fellow leaders who gave me very practical ideas regarding my personal role in that.  Thanks for praying, and please continue!
  2. I’ve given you two updates on Nicole Lorelei and their team that was evacuated from Mozambique to South Africa.  I had a long chat with her this morning, and she was sharing how the base in SA has been even better than Mozambique for their training of outgoing missionaries.  Again, thanks for praying!