

Back in the early 1980’s,  Renee and I embraced the posture of going overseas as missionaries unless God called us to stay home. Then God interrupted us and called us to stay. He said, “your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.” (Isaiah 54:3) That is being fulfilled today as Nicole Lorelei & Herb are currently in Africa and Hudson & Lauren are in the Middle East. This is a stretching summer for both couples as they serve in hard places and discern what God has next for them. Please pray that God will continue to lead them into invading nations and desolate cities with the Kingdom of God.
Prayer Update:   Nicole Lorelei, Herb, and their children and team have safely evacuated from Mozambique to South Africa. Pray for supernatural enabling grace and peace as they figure out how to carry on their missionary training in an entirely new and unexpected context. Please also continue to pray for the local team and nationals who remain in Mozambique in a dangerous but ripe situation.