
Our son Hudson and his new bride Lauren just arrived in the Middle East for 7 months of intensive training, equipping them to serve God long term in that region.  As you can imagine, this is exciting and sobering for us as parents.  Each day I pray through Ephesians 1:15-19 and 3:14-20 for them, inserting their names into Paul’s prayers as I pray.  Praying God’s word like that strengthens my faith.  If you would like to support Hudson and Lauren in prayer or in some other way, write to Hudson at hudsonlyons1028@gmail.comBut today, please pray that the Great Shepherd of the sheep will equip Hudson and Lauren for the good works that He intends to do through them.  (Hebrews 13:20-21).
Prayer Update:  This is interesting.  After sending my “Ammunition” memo about intercessory worship last week, I realized that an invitation I had already accepted to lead staff are our US Headquarters in a prayer meeting was actually an invitation to lead them in seeking His face in intercessory worship.  God had prepared me before I knew the assignment!

Family, MinistryRen MoirFamily