Behind the Veil


Most of the high-hanging fruit in the world is embedded in the world’s major religions.  This Thursday through Sunday we are gathering many of our funding partners to take a closer look at what God is doing “behind the veil” and how to love those who are very different than we are.  This is a sensitive subject in America today.  Please pray that God will fill us with His love for the lost, and with greater faith so that we will see the greater things that He promised in John 14:12.
Prayer update:  Frankly, I was a bit discouraged after our two days of discussing sending missionaries overseas to pursue “high-hanging fruit.”  The overall number of missionaries sent from most nations and agencies appears to be declining, and it seems increasingly difficult to recruit, send and sustain the kind of long term missionaries that are needed.  But, we agreed upon plan to stoke the fires of the lost and unreached burning in the hearts of Navigators all over the world, and we are praying that God will ignite a new bonfire of missionary zeal.