

How is your faith? That question is spurring me on these days. That is the question that prompted Paul to send Timothy back to Thessalonica (1 Thessalonians 3). That is the question that prompted Jesus to keep saying to the disciples, “Oh you of little faith!
Is my faith growing?  Healthy faith grows.  Abraham grew strong in faith when God kept him waiting.  Jesus deliberately cultivated the faith of those around Him, putting the spotlight on faith whenever He saw it.
So this morning I’m stirred by Jesus asking the disciples, “Why do you discuss the fact that you have no bread?  Do you not yet understand?  Do you have a hardened heart?” (Mark 8:17). The disciples had merely been discussing the fact that they had forgotten to bring enough bread for their boat trip. I could easily see myself doing that.
·       Not enough bread in the pantry? Go to the store!
·       Sick? Take a pill!
·       Short of money? Use your credit card!
·       Frustrated by someone? Push harder!
·       Troubled by a problem? Work harder!
There may be nothing wrong with going to the store, taking a pill or working harder. But I want to be more like those whose first response is to pray to the One who fed the 5000. I want to practice Philippians 4:6 more consistently, “Don’t worry about anything but pray about everything.”