Desperately Dependent

I love to teach and preach the Word.  But in recent years I have become increasingly aware of how desperately dependent on God I am whenever I try to convey His Word to others in a Life-giving way.  At times I have been disappointed in myself.  At other times, I have been encouraged with what God has done. 

So, this time I am asking you to especially pray for me.  In the next few weeks I will be sharing from the Word several times with new Navigators who are starting their first assignments.  Please pray that my desperate dependence in my teaching will become a demonstration of God¹s Spirit and power.  (1 Corinthians 2:3-5)

Prayer update:  We are still very much in the thick of things with our sister organization that has been on the ropes.  I sense God is at work, and I am encouraged.  But please keep praying whenever God brings it to mind.  Thanks for also praying for those pioneers who start movements of the Gospel.   I sense enthusiasm and encouragement from the meetings today and earlier this month.  Someone said to me this morning, I can¹t believe how much was accomplished!  I attribute that to God working in response to prayer.  Please keep praying.  We will be together again in July.